Heart and organ scanner

SP Medical has cooperated with an American customer to develop and manufacture 76 components for a mobile heart and organ scanner.
SP Medical was chosen for the project based on price and quality as well as the customer’s positive experience with SP Medical and other companies in the SP Group over many years.
The project includes components to shield the scanner and many other functional components. It quickly became clear that SP Moulding would manufacture the large shielding components, and SP Medical would manufacture the remaining plastic components and installations. A project group was established across SP Medical and SP Moulding.


The first step of the project was to choose materials, surfaces, processes and to adapt constructions to mass production. We also picked suppliers of components and coating. During the process we experimented with different materials, coatings and designed prototypes.

Purchase of tools and product maturing

Once constructions, materials etc. had been chosen, we had to purchase moulding tools. We quickly settled on three of our approved suppliers in China. Within 75 days, the tools had been manufactured and run in, and the first test samples were delivered. The constructions were reviewed once more, and minor adjustments were made to ensure function and reproducibility.
The moulding tools were adjusted and then sent to Denmark for final run in, documentation and validation.

Ramp-up and mass production

Early on in the product’s life cycle we expected uneven sales and low volume. We chose to initiate production in Denmark and await feedback from the market, which might lead to adjustments of the constructions and requirements in general.
After a period of steadily growing sales, and ascertaining that construction and requirements could remain unchanged, we began the move to SP Medical’s plant in Poland.
Premises were prepared, machines and installation equipment were moved and the staff was trained by colleagues in Denmark.
Today, the components are distributed to many of the customer’s sub-suppliers in Europe and the US, who refine the products, primarily via electronic installation.

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